Wednesday, November 25, 2009

dober postranski ter vesel zahvaljevanje!

Or as we say in English, Goodbye and Happy Thanksgiving! Have no idea what language that is in up there? Well, most reading this blog probably wouldn't. It's Slovenian. Now, big question is, do you even know where that is on the map? lol

We are headed there for the Thanksgiving weekend. To the capital. Ljubljana. And we are very excited about it. We have actually driven through there several times on our way to and from Croatia but never had the opportunity to stop and see it and let me tell you it looks AMAZINGLY beautiful, so we decided it was finally time to do it. To make the trip and take the time to go and check it out. Can't wait.

The whole country is not even as big as the principality of Wales! So, I am pretty sure we should get to see most of it while we are there over the long weekend.

So, življati a velik konec tedna (have a great weekend)